Student Research

GENE 226:
Venture Capital

Instructors for this course:

Michael Snyder, PhD
Stanford W. Ascherman, MD, FACS, Professor in Genetics

Ronjon Nag, PhD
Adjunct Professor in Genetics, Stanford School of Medicine
Director, R42 Longevity Fund

Artem Trotsyuk, PhD
Principal, R42 Fund, Teaching Assistant, AI Ethics Postdoctoral Research Scholar, Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics

Anastasiya Giarletta
Principal, R42 Fund
Gene 226 Teaching Assistant

Longevity covers therapeutics, robotics, and fintech. Yet as an emerging industry how do these get financed when they are so risky?

How should venture firms evaluate longevity companies and how should founders attract investors and employees?

  • This course will look at these questions specifically as applied to longevity, uniquely from the investor, scientist, and the founder viewpoint.
  • After providing a foundation to the field we will interact with guest lectures from investors, scientists and company founders who can explain their respective perspectives.
  • The course will cover finance and science aspects of longevity though no pre-requisites are expected.


Spring 2023 Papers

Winter  2021 Papers

Spring  2023 Papers

Otto Jolanki

Sleep and longevity


Jenna B. Teterin

3D Printing Longevity


Winter 2021 Papers

Nico Tellez

The Metaverse of Aging


Zoe Vongerlach

Cold Therapy and Longevity


Shan Yu

Final Paper


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