HIIT vs. Endurance Training Study

12-week training intervention research

About this study:

You are invited to take part in a 12-week exercise research study investigating the molecular changes that occur in your body after two types of exercise: high intensity interval training (HIIT) or endurance training.

We will look at your unique response to exercise, and your data will help us personalize prescriptions for exercise in the future.

To enroll in the study, you must:

Be between 18-65 years old

Generally sedentary most days over the last 12 months

Be generally healthy

Not Be Pregnant

What will I be asked to do?

Participate in 3 exercise training sessions for 12 weeks

  • Exercise sessions involve short intense running intervals (HIIT) or continuous jogging (Endurance), lasting 20-40 minutes

Complete pre and post-study visits to Stanford Campus (2-4 hours each) which include:

  • Treadmill exercise tests
  • Blood, urine, stool sampling
  • Strength test
  • Body composition scan
  • Optional muscle and fat biopsy

Wear remote sensors including a Fitbit to track activity, and glucose monitor for 10 days

What you will receive:

As part of the study, you will get an executive cardiovascular work-up, including V02 max test, echocardiogram and vascular ultrasound. Study volunteers might receive from $200 to $450 for participating in the study

Voluntary Participation

Your participation in this study is entirely voluntary. Your decision not to participate will not have any negative effect on you or your medical care. You can decide to participate now but withdraw your consent later and stop being in the study without any loss of benefits or medical care to which you are entitled.

For questions, contact: pgonzaga@stanford.edu
For complaints, concerns, or participant’s rights, contact 1-866-680-2906.
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