Winter 2020 Papers
GENE 223: Aging: Science and Technology for Longevity
Instructors for this course:
Michael Snyder, PhD
Stanford W. Ascherman, MD, FACS, Professor in Genetics
Ronjon Nag, PhD
Adjunct Professor in Genetics, Stanford School of Medicine
Director, R42 Longevity Fund
Sohila Zadran, PhD
Executive Director
AI Foundation.
- We will look at the biology of aging, transitioning from the molecular level through to the cellular and systems level.
- What are age-related diseases, can lifespan be extended and are centenarians different?
- Additionally, how can artificial intelligence create robotic and software assistants as we get older and if living forever is possible in any form?
Winter 2020 Papers
Spring 2024 Papers
Winter 2020 Papers
Erin Craig
Recommendations for feeling better and spending less as we age: Aging in the United States through the lens of Medicare billing
Kevin Paul Erazo Castillo
Reversing Thymic Involution & Immune-Driven Longevity Therapies
Tracy Lang
Providing Quality End-of-Life Care for an Aging Society
Brandon Barth Nydick
The Role of Thymic Involution in Aging: Causes, Effects, and Potential Solutions
Youngyoon Amy Seo
On Becoming a Centurion:
A social science critical interpretation
Min Woo Sun
Aging Clocks: Ticking Away from Birthday Candles to Biological Age
Tobe Chuka Umerah
The Psychology of Aging
Tanya Watarastaporn
The Aging Brain: A Viral Connection to Alzheimer’s Disease
Yihui Zhang
Age with grace: a reflection on aging research and investing
Ronghao Zhou,
Genetic and Epigenetic Changes of Aging
Spring 2024 Papers
Joseph Allen
Biomedical Devices and Aging: From Therapy to Enhancement Biomedical Devices and Aging: From Therapy to Enhancement
Brian Boitnott
Economic Effects and Dynamics of an Aging Population
Mengze Gao
Analysis of My Intervention: Influencing Health and Longevity
B e n G e d e o n
HBOT in addressing the cellular, cognitive, and physical dimensions of aging (check)
Bo Hou
Descartes: Virtual Reality and Mind – uploading
Jennifer Jackson
Restriction and Aging: an Incomplete Narrative
Chad Janis
E v a l u a t i n g T i r z e p a t i d e ’ s R o l e i n L o n g e v i t y
Alan Li
A short review on application of medical imaging in knee osteoarthritis
Lingqi Li
T h e I m p a c t o f S l e e p o n A g i n g
Jaston McClure
Over – the – counter longevity: redesigning rapamycin for large – scale use
Mattie Monroe
The Role of the Gut Microbiome in Promoting Longevity
Joel Naor
Life – Style Anti – Aging Interventions Leveraging Modern Tools like Big Data, AI, and Wearables to enhance Observational Studies
Chidimma Okpara
The Role of Sleep in Aging: Insights from a Personal Intervention as a Collegiate Athlete
Iman Omer
The Suprachiasmatic Nucleus: Our Key to Sleep and Aging?
Clinton Pan
Exploring Cryonics: Longevity Through Freezing
Alina Pollner
Solutions to Economic, Social, and Healthcare Implications of an Aging Society
Julia Ransom
Final Paper: Sweet Dreams for Healthy Aging
Justin Stachtiaris
Impact of Meditation on Longevity and Aging
Praveen Tummalapalli
The Effect of Prolonged Sitting on Health and Aging Exploring Cryonics: Longevity Through Freezing
Pranav Vyas
The Evolution of Aging
What rules can we learn from the diversity of life of earth and how can we bend them?
Sean Yoon
A Roadmap for Mind Uploading The Effect of Prolonged Sitting on Health and Aging Exploring Cryonics: Longevity Through Freezing
Will Yu
Targeting the Epigenomein Osteoarthritis: A Proposal for Therapeutic Intervention & Delivery The Effect of Prolonged Sitting on Health and Aging Exploring Cryonics: Longevity Through Freezing