About The Study
COUNT is a multiphase study that aims to advance the understanding of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) symptoms, comorbidities, and the biology of ASD. Researchers will explore these questions through “multi-omic” profiling and analyzing data about your environment, symptoms, and biology. “Multi-omics” means we’ll be looking at many types of molecules from your samples.
Phase 1 is the first part of COUNT and will help researchers understand important information about feasibility, participant experience, and initial research findings. This will help shape future phases of the study.
This study involves 90 days of participation and there is no cost to participate.

- Be 4 years of age or older
- Have a clinical diagnosis of ASD
- Have one or more of the following ASD symptoms regularly: seizures, diarrhea, constipation, self-injurious behavior, or aggressive behavior
- Live within travelling distance of Stanford University. Remote participation is available, contact us with any questions.
- Not be pregnant
- Be willing and able to give informed consent for participation in English (participants, parent(s), and/or legal representative)
As a Participant

ENROLLMENT: meet inclusion based on study screening and give permission to the study team to access your health information.

SAMPLE COLLECTION: collect samples at home, such as saliva, stool, blood microsamples, and air filter samples.

DATA COLLECTION: Wear a provided smartwatch daily to measure things like heart rate. Report daily diet and symptom information through short surveys and apps.

Your participation is entirely voluntary and you have the right to withdraw your consent or discontinue participation at any time. We are happy to answer your questions.
Email us at: autism_snyderlab@stanford.edu
Participant’s rights questions: +1 (866) 680-2906